Taylor Made Financial Solutions Somerset West Taylor Made Financial Solutions Somerset West

We don’t just sell policies, we build futures on solid financial foundations

Our services are comprehensive and cover every aspect of a holistic financial profile. They include Medical Aid, GAP Cover, Individual Risk Planning, Buy & Sell, Key Man and Partnership Insurance, Investments, Short/Medium/Long Term, Car & Household Insurance, Commercial Lines Insurance, Estate Planning, Wills & Corporate Employee Benefits and much more – and all are covered within the following broad categories…

Keyman and Partnership Insurance
Your business is your future and the product of many hours of hard work, creative input and innovation. You need to protect it. It is critical for any company that has certain ‘key’ people who keep the business running and profitable to insure the lives of these individuals. Similarly, partnership insurance is necessary to ensure the continuance of a business if a partnership is broken or a partner is lost through death or resignation. This is a speciality of Taylor Made so talk to us about it today...

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Commercial Insurance
Commercial Insurance covers a broad spectrum of insurance products. There are those available for the protection of a business from theft to cybercrime, specialist niche insurance for certain industries, employee benefits and schemes, buy and sell and much more. We provide Taylor Made solutions for your commercial enterprise, saving you money in so many ways that you can afford to expand your company’s wealth profile in areas of investment too. Let us set up a no-obligation consultation today...

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Financial Planning
When you roll all the available financial products into one, including wealth and health protection, income and life protection and wealth creation and wealth preservation, to ensure you have the best, attain the best benefits and achieve the best results it all comes down to one common denominator – astute wealth planning. We are expert wealth planners who will ensure that you and your business have all the bases covered and the future you aspire to is attained! Talk to us today...

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Life Assurance
Available from many reputable insurers, Life Assurance is an essential addition to any financial profile and in fact, the most affordable way to ensure you can leave a fitting legacy for your family if your life is cut short and you have not had time to build your wealth. Many criteria need to be considered like, age, state of health, affordability etc. and we can help guide you to the best Life Assurance solution, whatever stage of life you are in...

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Medical Aid & Gap Cover
Part of the process of building wealth is the protection of the wealth you have accrued. The protection of your health and wealth, therefore, are inextricably linked because if you or your family suffer health issues and you are unable to pay the bills it can rapidly diminish your savings and investments. Mandy, with years of experience in this field, is a medical aid whiz, understanding and assisting you with exactly what you are entitled to claim and able to advise you on the best plan to suit your specific requirements and affordability.

Gap Cover

Unfortunately, even the best Medical Aid plans seldom cover all the costs of hospitalisation and medical practitioners, particularly if you contract an extensive critical illness or require specialist treatment. Gap Cover, which is an affordable surplus amount paid monthly, bridges the gap between what your Medical Aid pays out and the actual cost. This is highly recommended and once again we can expertly advise you on which Gap Cover is most suited to you.

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Retirement Products
Current astronomical advances in medicine and technology mean that the average human being will live much longer and therefore require a far greater retirement package to live on comfortably. With the right advice and the right retirement investments like Retirement Annuities which save you on tax as you save, you can live well and fulfil your independent wealth aspirations in your golden years. Talk to us today – as time is of the essence to produce the best results!...

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To save is just the beginning - to invest these savings is the key to financial growth! Investments come in a wide range of products offered by the finest fund managers and platforms and range from investing in small, short-term unit trust funds to medium and long-term global blue-chip companies. It is essential to be guided in your investments and have a have flexible, balanced profile constructed by expert Advisors. Let us guide you...

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Wills and Estate Planning
A well-constructed, legally compliant and up-to-date Will is essential to ensure that your life’s worth will fall into the right hands as soon as possible after your passing. Astute Estate planning placing certain Trusts in place to protect minors and save on Estate taxes and duties will also give you the peace of mind of knowing that your loved ones will receive the maximum benefits with the least headaches from the legacy you leave. Don’t put this off – talk to us today...

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Group Schemes
The old saying goes “There is strength in numbers,’’ but there are savings in numbers too! Group insurance allows businesses to obtain far more affordable retirement, short-term risk, life, savings and medical cover, most of which offer better benefits to employees too. Talk to us today about being able to offer these great benefits to the lifeblood of your business - your workforce...

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Short Term Insurance
Unfortunately, one thing we can be sure of in life is that the unexpected will sometimes occur! Short-term insurance provides temporary protection against risks like car theft, household goods theft and damage, property damage, expensive medical procedures in hospital, protection against personal injury or liability claims etc. The beauty of short-term insurance is that it is flexible and not fixed so we as your Financial Advisors can constantly review your short-term policies to ensure you are getting the best value and assist you to gain the maximum benefits from the policies you have. Review your policies now...

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